Manifestations of workplace bullying

Bullying is violence.

Look it up.

Behaviour, % of cases

  1. Aggressive shouting at victim, 94.1
  2. Public Humiliation of victim,  70.6
  3. Victim set up to fail with overload of work,  23.5
  4. Unjustifiable and inconsistent discipline, 29.4
  5. Constant & consistent insulting of victim,  41.2
  6. Inconsistently changing hours & duties, 23.5
  7. Cancelling holidays without good reason,  17.6
  8. Deliberate exclusion from social gatherings,  5.9
  9. Malicious gossip/rumour spreading, 5.9
  10. Telephoning victim at home to intimidate further,  17.6
  11. Sexual/Racial harassment,  23.5

One can see from the figures above that the most common forms of bullying are the overt types such as aggressively shouting at the victim or publicly humiliating the victim. As I have pointed out earlier in this report, the use of an audience is of great importance to a bully as it spreads word of the bullies power across the store or even group of stores in the case of a more senior manager.

Source: Workplace Bullying: Stress, Employment Law and You

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